
batsnapper blog attitude is everything

Thursday, October 06, 2005

PDL Day 2
I am not an accident. During a presentation to youth as part of their confirmation process, I made a reference to being an accident and one of the students was somewhat hurt. I found out about it later, and talked to the student as soon as I could. I told her I was an accident and my oldest daughter was an accident, but still a blessing. It seems another case of semantics and cultural disenegration of the language; i.e. gay. I know that I have purpose and was trying to convince the kids that they had purpose, but that word accident stuck.

I have always know there was some special purpose for me. As I age, I stop and think that I am already living that purpose; husband, father, a contributing member of society. However, I still think there is a grander plan. I have decided to be patient and continue to fight the good fight. Worst case is I die and enjoy eternal salvation. Best case, I make a significant contribution to the world around me, die, and enjoy eternal salvation. Win Win.
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